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contoh kalimat annealed iron

"annealed iron" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Finishes Black Annealed Iron. Galvanized Iron, Stainless Steel
    selesai Hitam Annealed besi. Galvanized Besi, Stainless Steel
  • (Total 24 Products for 3mm Pvc Annealed Iron Wire)
    Rumah > Produk-produk > 3mm Pvc Annealed Iron Wire
  • PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut straight tie wire
    PVC dilapisi besi annealed hitam memotong kawat dasi lurus
  • GOOD QUALITY BLACK ANNEALED IRON WIRE black annealed steel wire
    KUALITAS BAIK BLACK ANNEALED IRON WIRE kawat baja annealed hitam
  • 3mm Pvc Annealed Iron Wire - manufacturer, factory, supplier from China
    3mm Pvc Annealed Iron Wire - pabrikan, pabrik, pemasok dari Cina
  • Best Annealed Wire,Black Annealed Iron Wire,Black Annealed Wire for Sale
    Best Annealed Wire, Black Annealed dawai besi, Black Annealed Wire untuk Dijual
  • 14 Gauge Black Annealed Iron Wire , Construction Annealed Stainless Steel Wire
    14 Gauge Kawat Besi Anil Hitam, Konstruksi Kawat Baja Stainless Anil
  • Galvanized Wire, Black Annealed Iron Wire, Loop Tie Wire Wholesale from China
    Wire tergalvani, Hitam Annealed dawai besi, Loop Tie Wire borong dari China
  • Industrial Black Annealed Wire , 360N-420N Black Annealed Iron Wire 0.70mm - 40mm
    Kawat Anil Hitam Industri, Kawat Besi Anil Hitam 360N-420N 0.70mm - 40mm
  • Galvanized WireBlack Annealed Iron WirePVC Coated Iron WireBarbed Iron WireRazor Barbed WireSteel Wire
    Kawat galvanisKawat besi hitam AnnealedPVC dilapisi kawat besiKawat besi berduriKawat berduri RazorKabel baja
  • PVC Coated Barbed Iron Wire can be galvanized iron wire or Black Annealed Iron Wire.
    PVC Coated berduri besi kawat dapat kawat besi galvanis atau hitam besi kawat anil.
  • Black Iron Wire can be galvanized into galvanized iron wire or annealed into annealed iron wire.
    Black Iron Wire dapat digalvanis menjadi kawat besi galvanis atau dianil ke dalam kawat besi anil.
  • Core of PVC Coated Barbed Iron Wire can be galvanized iron wire or black annealed iron wire.
    Inti PVC Coated Barbed Iron Wire bisa berupa kawat besi galvanis atau kawat besi anil hitam.
  • Electro galvanized iron wire Black Annealed Iron Wire Hot Dipped Zinc Plated Wire Electro Galvanized Iron Wire Heavy Zinc-coated galvanized iron wire
    Kawat besi elektro galvanis Black Annealed Iron Wire Dawai bersalut zink panas Electro Galvanized Iron Wire Dawai besi bersalut zink berat
  • Mild steel woven wire cloth made of oxigen free annealed iron wire offers much better property than these woven withcommon mild steel wire.
    Baja ringan anyaman kawat kain terbuat dari kawat besi oxigen gratis Anil menawarkan properti yang jauh lebih baik daripada ini withcommon anyaman kawat baja ringan.
  • Black Annealed Wire, mostly called as soft annealed wire, annealed iron wire or just annealed wire. This kind of steel wire offers excellent flexibility and softness due to its oxygen free annealing process.
    Hitam Anil Wire, sering disebut sebagai annealed kawat lembut, kawat besi Anil atau hanya Anil wire. Jenis kawat baja menawarkan fleksibilitas yang luar biasa dan kelembutan karena oksigen yang gratis pelunakan proses.
  • Black Annealed Wire mostly called as soft annealed wire annealed iron wire or just annealed wire This kind of steel wire offers excellent flexibility and softness due to its oxygen free annealing process we produces good quality black iron wire for...
    Hitam Anil Wire, sering disebut sebagai annealed kawat lembut, kawat besi Anil atau hanya Anil wire. Jenis kawat baja menawarkan fleksibilitas yang luar biasa dan kelembutan karena oksigen yang gratis pelunakan proses.kami memproduksi kawat besi...
  • PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut straight tie wire PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut straight tie wire is a kind of steel wire which is cutting to certain size after being straighted wire material for cutting wire could be iron wire annealed wire...
    PVC Bersalut Hitam annealed besi potong dawai tali lurus PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut lurus tie wire adalah sejenis dawai keluli yang memotong ke ukuran tertentu setelah diluruskan material wire untuk memotong wire bisa besi wire annealed wire...
  • PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut straight tie wire PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut straight tie wire is a kind of steel wire which is cutting to certain size after being straighted wire material for cutting wire could be iron wire annealed wire...
    PVC Bersalut Hitam annealed besi potong dawai tali lurus PVC Coated Black annealed iron cut lurus tie wire adalah sejenis dawai keluli yang memotong ke ukuran tertentu setelah diluruskan material wire untuk memotong wire bisa besi wire annealed wire...
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